QUICK START12 CyberSWITCHCD F ILE STRUCTUREThe CSX1200 CD contains installation, user documentation and upgrade files. The CD file structureis as follows:For system upgrade, you will need to follow a specific upgrade path (\product name\country orswitchtype\protocol or access package). This path not only depends upon product, but also the ISDNStandard you will be using, the software options you have purchased, and in many cases, theswitch type. For example:• If you are installing a CSX1223 in a geographical area that uses US ISDN standards, and youhave purchased the IP/IPX software option, use the files found in the \CSX1223\US\ipipx di-rectory.• If you are installing a CSX1204 using a NET3 international switch, and have purchased the IP,IPX, AppleTalk and Frame Relay options, use the files found in the \CSX1204\intnet3\ipipx-at.fr directory.Refer to the Upgrading System Software section of the User’s Guide for a listing of possible upgradepath directories.L OCAL SOFTWARE U PGRADETo perform a local upgrade, use any valid local administration console as defined in Connecting anAdministration Console. Update the SSB first, if the Release Notes indicate this is necessary, and thenfollow with the update of the OSW.L OCAL U PGRADE OF THE S ECOND S TAGE B OOT (SSB)To locally upgrade the second stage boot (SSB), follow these steps:1. Restart the CyberSWITCH.2. When “Waiting for Commands:” appears on the system screen, enter the following command:recover3. Wait for the system to respond with the prompt “Ready for Hex Download”. Using yourcommunications program:• Select ASCII to be the protocol used for the file transfer.• Change character spacing to “0”. (This may be called by another name in somecommunications packages. For example, some programs call it character pacing.)• Set line spacing (or pacing) to “0”.• insert the CSX CD into the CD drive of your administration console.Directory Contents\ installation program files (SETUP.*)\CSXDOCS\ CSX1200 user documentation and Acrobat reader\product name\country or switch-type\protocol or access packageUPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT