QUICK START14 CyberSWITCH• TELNET client• TFTP clientTo perform a remote upgrade, first upgrade to the latest SSB, if required, then upgrade the OSW.The Release Notes will indicate whether or not the SSB needs to be upgraded.Note: If, during a remote upgrade, the compressed file set cannot be uncompressed into the FlashFile System due to a lack of space, the compressed file set will not be deleted from the FlashFile System and the previous version of the OSW will be booted. If the OSW determinesthere is a compressed file set (a file suffix of .OSW) in the Flash File System, then thefollowing message is logged in the system log:OSW, , found in the Flash File System. The OSW has not beenupdated from this file due to insufficient Flash File System space.Please delete unnecessary files from the system.It is possible that you will not have enough room in the \SYSTEM directory to TFTP theupgrade file to the system. In this case:• Delete all files in the directory except nex.bin and iop.bin.• Issue aflash reclaim command to gain the lost space (this will destroy the backupcopy of your configuration, you will be unable to issue restore command unless youhave saved at least one set of changes).• If the upgrade still fails, delete the nex.bin and iop.bin and again reclaim the space.Your upgrade should now work. IMPORTANT: Do not restart the CyberSWITCH untilthe upgrade is complete.If you are upgrading from a previous version of system software, the above message willnot be displayed. In this case, the system continually restarts, attempting to install the OSWpackage each time.R EMOTE U PGRADE OF THE S ECOND STAGE BOOT (SSB)WARNING:If power is lost on the remote CyberSWITCH during this process, a local upgrade of theSSB may be necessary before the system can again function.To remotely upgrade the SSB, follow these steps:1. Telnet to the CyberSWITCH and login as admin.2. Enable TFTP, the TFTP client, and the TFTP server with admin access rights (see page 15.)3. Using the TFTP client on the remote workstation, TFTP the recover1 file to theCyberSWITCH in binary mode. Be sure to use the file’s full pathname. The exact method totransfer varies, depending upon your TFTP client.4. At the system prompt, recover the SSB by issuing the following command:flash recoverThe system will ask you if you are sure you want to remotely recover the SSB, and warn youof the potential risk in case of a power failure while the SSB is being recovered. Answer “yes”