Configuration View DescriptionSource Address ViewConfiguration Views Cabletron Ethernet Hubs4-6 Management Module GuideThis button allows you to access the Flash DownLoad View. This button isavailable only in the IRM3, MRXI, and MiniMMAC Configuration Views.This button allows you to access an additional configuration view, which isdescribed later in this chapter. This button is available only in the IRM2 andIRM3 Configuration Views.This button allows you to access the Community and Trap Table View, whichis described later in this chapter. This button is available only in the IRM2and IRM3 Configuration Views.Source Address ViewYou can access the Source Address View by clicking on the Find SourceAddress button in the Configuration View. This view gives you the ability totrace a MAC address to the board and port where the address is detected, andprovides the following information. This view is not available for IRM or theMRXI hubs.Model NameThe user-defined or default name of the model.Network AddressThe network IP address (e.g., AddressUser-defined MAC address using the format xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.This button allows you to access the Source Address Board/Port LocationView. Figure 4-1 provides the information contained in the view.Flash DownloadAdditional ConfigurationCommunity TableFind Board/Port