Connect the auxiliary devices to the jacks as follows:• Connect the video input of the auxiliary deviceto the yellow video input/output jack.• Connect the left audio input of the auxiliary deviceto the white audio input jack. For auxiliary devicesthat only have one audio connection, use thewhite jack.• Connect the right audio input of the auxiliary deviceto the red audio input jack.Auxiliary Video Image ScreenTo play other audio sources using the auxiliary device:1. Connect the auxiliary device as explained previously.2. Play the auxiliary device according to the auxiliarydevices instructions.3. Press the AUX hard key.4. Select the Video In/Out screen button.5. Press the BAND or the SRCE hard key to exit orstop playing the connected auxiliary device.See Navigation Audio System on page 3-2 formore information.Radio PersonalizationWith this feature, the latest audio system settings thatwere adjusted, the last time your vehicle was operated,can be recalled. This feature allows two differentdrivers to store and recall their own audio systemsettings. The settings recalled by the audio system aredetermined by which RKE transmitter (1 or 2) wasused to enter the vehicle. The number on the back ofthe RKE transmitter corresponds to driver 1 or todriver 2. The audio system settings automatically adjuststo where they were last set by the identified driver.The settings can also be recalled using the memoryscreens under the CONFIG MENU or voice recognition.See Personalization on page 5-2 for more information.When battery power is removed and later applied,the audio system preset stations does not have tobe reset.3-26