z (Scroll Down): Scrolls down the list one entry ata time.z (Page Down): Scrolls down the list one page at atime.Q (OnStar): Select to use the OnStar system to placea phone call. See OnStar® System on page 2-58 formore information.Video: Select when using an auxiliary device. SeeAuxiliary Devices on page 3-25 for more information.F (Cancel): Select to return to the BLUETOOTHPHONE screen.W (Back): This screen button returns the screen to theprevious page.q r (Scroll to End/Beginning): These screenbuttons allow you to scroll through the entry asnecessary.New: This screen button begins the creation of a newphone book entry.To add a new phone book entry:1. Select the New screen button.2. Select a name or phone screen button entry.3. Use the keypads to enter the name and telephonenumber. There can be a maximum of 24 characters.4. A nametag to the entry to work with the voicerecognition. Up to 20 nametags can be usedfor phone book entries in use at a time.5. After entering the information, touch the OK screenbutton.To delete a phone book entry:1. Select the g (phone book) screen button.2. Select the name to be deleted.3. Select the Edit screen button.4. Select the Y (delete) screen button.5. The system will request confirmation. Press Yes toconfirm or No to cancel.6-7