CD scan up: Instructs the system to scan upwardthrough tracks.CD select [disc] (one, two, etc.) track (one, two, etc.):Instructs the system to go to a specific disc andchapter/track.CD eject [disc] (one, two, three, four, five, or six):Instructs the system to eject a specific numbered disc.CD help: Instructs the system to assist with CDchanger commands. Help commands display on themap screen when the vehicle is stopped.The word “middle” can be substituted in place ofthe word “center”.The word “fade” can be substituted in place of theword “balance”.The word “chapter” can be substituted in place ofthe word “track”.DVD Changer CommandsThe following commands are only available whena CD, MP3, or DVD is loaded.DVD: Instructs the system to turn the CD/DVDchanger on.DVD turn off: Instructs the system to turn the CD/DVDchanger off.DVD [set] balance center: Instructs the system to setthe fade and balance to the center and middle.DVD scan up: Instructs the system to scan upwardthrough chapters/tracks.DVD [select] disc (one, two, etc.) track (one, two,etc.): Instructs the system to go to a specific disc andchapter/track.DVD eject [disc] (one, two, three, four, five, or six):Instructs the system to eject a specific numbered disc.DVD help: Instructs the system to assist with DVDchanger commands. Help commands display onthe map screen when the vehicle is stopped.The word “middle” can be substituted in place of theword “center”.The word “fade” can be substituted in place of the word“balance”.The word “chapter” can be substituted in place of theword “track”.4-12