Screen Appearancez (Screen Appearance): Touch to access theappearance screen menu.From this menu, several options may be adjusted:Color Scheme: Choose between three differentscreen color schemes by touching 1 (blue), 2 (green), or3 (brown).Color Mode: Adjusts the screen mode between Auto,Day, and Night. Day mode changes the navigationsystem screen to a lighter background for better viewingin the daytime. Night mode changes the navigationsystem screen to a darker background for better viewingat night. Auto mode adjusts the screen automaticallydepending on exterior lighting conditions._ (Contrast): Adjusts the contrast of the navigationscreen. Touch the plus (+) or minus (−) signs on eitherside of the contrast bar graph to increase or decreasethe contrast.] (Brightness): Adjusts the brightness of thenavigation screen. Touch the plus (+) or minus (−) signson either side of the brightness bar graph to increaseor decrease the brightness.Screen OFF: Turns the navigation screen off.Touch any hard key to turn the screen back on.2-60