4. The indicator lights will blink slowly. Enter eachswitch setting from Step 2 into your vehicle'sUniversal Home Remote. You will have two andone-half minutes to complete Step 4. Now pressone button on the Universal Home Remote foreach switch setting as follows:. If you wrote “Left,” press the left button in thevehicle.. If you wrote “Right,” press the right button inthe vehicle.. If you wrote “Middle,” press the middle button inthe vehicle.5. After entering all of the switch positions, again,firmly press and release all three buttons at thesame time. The indicator lights will turn on.6. Press and hold the button that will be used tocontrol the garage door until the garage doormoves. The indicator light above the selectedbutton should slowly blink. This button may needto be held for up to 55 seconds.7. Immediately release the button when the garagedoor moves. The indicator light will blink rapidlyuntil programming is complete.8. Press and release the same button again.The garage door should move, confirming thatprogramming is successful and complete.To program another Fixed Code device such as anadditional garage door opener, a security device,or home automation device, repeat Steps 1-8, choosinga different button in Step 6 than what was used for thegarage door opener.Using Universal Home RemotePress and hold the appropriate button for at least half ofa second. The indicator light will come on while thesignal is being transmitted.3-54