2. Get the vehicles close enough so the jumpercables can reach, but be sure the vehicles are nottouching each other. If they are, it could cause aground connection you do not want. You would notbe able to start your vehicle and the bad groundingcould damage the electrical systems.To avoid the possibility of the vehicles rolling, setthe parking brake firmly on both vehicles involvedin the jump start procedure. Put an automatictransmission in P (Park) or a manual transmissionin NEUTRAL before setting the parking brake.Notice: If you leave the radio or other accessorieson during the jump starting procedure, they couldbe damaged. The repairs would not be covered bythe warranty. Always turn off the radio and otheraccessories when jump starting the vehicle.3. Turn off the ignition on both vehicles. Unplugunnecessary accessories plugged into thecigarette lighter or the accessory power outlets.Turn off the radio and all lamps that are notneeded. This will avoid sparks and help saveboth batteries. And it could save the radio!4. Open the hoods and locate the positive (+) andnegative (−) terminal locations on the other vehicle.Your vehicle has a remote positive (+) jump startingterminal and a remote negative (−) jump startingterminal.4.6L LD8 Engine shown,4.6L L37 Engine similarThe remote positive (+) terminal is located in theengine compartment on the passenger's side ofthe vehicle. Lift the red plastic cap to access theterminal. See Engine Compartment Overview onpage 6‑14 for more information on the location ofthe remote positive (+) terminal.A second remote positive (+) terminal is located onthe rear underseat fuse block.The remote negative (−) terminal is located behindthe power steering pulley, near the engine cover.It is marked GND (−).6-41