Securing a Child Restraint in theRight Front Seat PositionThis vehicle has airbags. A rear seat is a safer place tosecure a forward-facing child restraint. See Where toPut the Restraint on page 2‑44.In addition, the vehicle has a passenger sensing systemwhich is designed to turn off the right front passengerfrontal airbag and seat-mounted side impact airbagunder certain conditions. See Passenger SensingSystem on page 2‑68 and Passenger Airbag StatusIndicator on page 4‑49 for more information, includingimportant safety information.A label on the sun visor says, “Never put a rear-facingchild seat in the front.” This is because the risk to therear-facing child is so great, if the airbag deploys.{ WARNING:A child in a rear-facing child restraint can beseriously injured or killed if the right frontpassenger airbag inflates. This is because theback of the rear-facing child restraint would bevery close to the inflating airbag. A child in aforward-facing child restraint can be seriouslyinjured or killed if the right front passenger airbaginflates and the passenger seat is in a forwardposition.Even if the passenger sensing system has turnedoff the right front passenger frontal airbag, nosystem is fail-safe. No one can guarantee thatan airbag will not deploy under some unusualcircumstance, even though it is turned off.Secure rear-facing child restraints in a rearseat, even if the airbag is off. If you secure aforward-facing child restraint in the right front seat,always move the front passenger seat as far backas it will go. It is better to secure the child restraintin a rear seat.See Passenger Sensing System on page 2‑68for additional information.2-54