Black plate (6,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 20127-6 Infotainment SystemSetting the ClockThe navigation system time and theanalog clock operate independently.Changing the time through thenavigation system does not changethe time on the analog clock. SeeClock on page 5‑7 to change theanalog clock time.To set the time for the navigationsystem:1. Press CONFIG to enter theconfigure menu options, thenpress CONFIG again, repeatedlyuntil the time is selected or touchthe time screen button.2. Press the Hours andMinutes − and + to decreaseor to increase the time.See “Setting the Clock” underConfigure Menu on page 7‑81 formore information.Entering an Address and Pointof Interest, and Storing PresetDestinationsEntering an AddressEnter a destination by inputting thecity name first:1. Press O to turn the system on.2. A caution may appear. Press OKto proceed.3. Press DEST.4. Press 2 (Address Entry).5. Select the state/province screenbutton, if needed, to change thecurrent state or province. A listof all of the available states andprovinces appear. Select thestate or province.6. Once a state or province hasbeen selected the City namecategory is automaticallyselected for entry.If five or fewer names areavailable, a list displays. If morethan five are available, theList screen button displays anumber. This number representsthe number of available cities.Press this button to view the listand select a city.7. Once a city has been selectedthe Street name category isautomatically selected for entry.If five or fewer streets areavailable for the selected city,the system displays the list ofstreets. If more than five streetsare available the systemdisplays the alpha keyboard.Start entering the street name.If five or fewer names areavailable, a list displays. If morethan five are available, theList screen button displays anumber. This button representsthe number of available streets.Select this button to view the listand select a street.