![Cadillac Escalade 2012 Owner's Manual Manual pdf 339 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2832570/83947aaae00ed6ce254f9b14330d9c7e339f.jpg)
Black plate (39,1)Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV Owner Manual - 2012Driving and Operating 9-39control is turned off, only thebrake-traction control portion oftraction control will work. Theengine speed management will bedisabled. In this mode, enginepower is not reduced automaticallyand the driven wheels can spinmore freely. This can cause thebrake-traction control to activateconstantly.Notice: If the wheel(s) of one axleis allowed to spin excessivelywhile the StabiliTrak ® , ABS, brakewarning lights, and any relevantDIC messages are displayed, thetransfer case could be damaged.The repairs would not be coveredby the vehicle warranty. Reduceengine power and do not spinthe wheel(s) excessively whilethese lights and messages aredisplayed.TCS may activate on dry or roughroads or under conditions such asheavy acceleration while turning orabrupt upshifts/downshifts of thetransmission. When this happens, areduction in acceleration may benoticed, or a noise or vibration maybe heard. This is normal.If cruise control is being used whenthe system activates, the StabiliTraklight will flash and cruise control willautomatically disengage. Cruisecontrol may be reengaged whenroad conditions allow. See CruiseControl on page 9‑41.StabiliTrak may also turn offautomatically if it determines that aproblem exists with the system.If the problem does not clear itselfafter restarting the vehicle, see yourdealer for service.Non-hybrid vehicles with StabiliTrakhave a Trailer Sway Control (TSC)feature. See Trailer Sway Control(TSC) on page 9‑68.Non-hybrid vehicles with StabiliTrakhave a Hill Start Assist (HSA)feature. See Hill Start Assist (HSA)on page 9‑36.Adding non‐dealer accessories canaffect the vehicle's performance.See Accessories and Modificationson page 10‑3.Locking Rear AxleVehicles with a locking rear axle cangive more traction on snow, mud,ice, sand, or gravel. It works like astandard axle most of the time, butwhen traction is low, this feature willallow the rear wheel with the mosttraction to move the vehicle.Road SensingSuspensionThe Road SensingSuspension (RSS) feature providessuperior vehicle ride and handlingunder a variety of passenger andloading conditions.The system is fully automatic anduses a computer controller tocontinuously monitor vehicle speed,wheel to body position, lift/dive andsteering position of the vehicle.