Centering originalsPrinting Originals Centered on SheetsYou can print originals centered on a page-for example, if the paper is larger than the original, or if youare reducing the original.Centering originals on sheetsIf you use paper larger than the original size or print originals after reduction, the printed images may bealigned in the upper-left corner of the paper. In this case, you can center originals on sheets when printing.Print CenteredAligns the center of the original with the center of the sheet.For instructions on centering originals when printing on sheets, refer to the following topics, as appropriate foryour computer and operating system.• Printing Originals Centered on Sheets (Windows) (→P.453)• Printing Originals Centered on Sheets (Mac OS X) (→P.455)• Printing Originals Centered on Sheets (Mac OS 9) (→P.457)444 Enhanced Printing Options