126 Troubleshooting Chapter 8Problem Cause SolutionPrinting incorrect number FUNCTION 3 may be set Check the setting ofof lines on page incorrectly. FUNCTION 3. This settingdetermines the page length:o For letter-size paper, setit to OFF.o For envelopes, set it toOFF.o For A4-size paper, set itto ON.Margin settings may be Check the top and bottomincorrect. margin settings within yoursoftware application.Check the top margin settingdetermined by FUNCTIONs4 and 5. If the printer isprinting too few lines, makethe top margin more narrow.If the printer is printing toomany lines, make the topmargin wider.Paper may not be loaded Make sure your paper isproperly. loaded correctly.NOTE: If your applicationrequires 66 lines per page,try setting FUNCTION 2 toON. This enables text scalemode. See Chapter 9,Customizing the Printer, fordetails on the FUNCTIONsettings.