Chapter 4 Using the Printer With Your Software 63Pattern 1 and Pattern 2These settings uniformly align individual dots of different colored inks tocreate the appearance of the intermediate colors. This method offers fastprinting speed and is best suited for printing documents that contain largeareas of solid color, such as bar charts and graphs.Pattern 1 uses a four-dot pattern and Pattern 2 uses an eight-dot pattern,which creates more white space.DiffusionThis setting randomly places individual dots of different colored inks tocreate the appearance of intermediate colors. By randomly placing dots, theprinter can achieve excellent colors and subtle color gradations. Thismethod is best suited for printing documents that contain finely detailedgraphics or photographic images.Using diffusion slows the application release time because a larger, morecomplex page is generated by the software. This type of page requiresmore time to calculate as well as send to the printer. However, what youlose in print speed may be gained in quality.Using the PrinterWith SoftwareSOLID INTERMEDIATE COLOR(SUCH AS TURQUOISE)IMAGE DOTS PRINTEDWITH PATTERNHALFTONESOLID INTERMEDIATE COLOR(SUCH AS TURQUOISE)IMAGE DOTSPRINTED WITHDIFFUSIONHALFTONE