82 Using the Color Advisor Chapter 52. To select the current color, click on the color you want to select. Thenselect an area of your document. The Color Advisor assigns theselected color to the selected area.You use the following buttons to apply color:Apply Color to 1 (paintbrush button)—Enters a color mode inwhich colors are applied to text and graphics objects as you selecteach object.Apply Color to Similar (spilling can of paint button)—Enters a colormode in which the selected color is applied to similar text or similargraphics objects.You can manually change some of the colors in the Paint Box by accessingthe Color Palette pop-up window or the Color Picker dialog box.o To access the Color Palette pop-up window, move the cursor over oneof the accent color buttons or over the main color, and press the rightmouse button. Select your replacement color from the Color Palettepop-up window.o To access the Color Picker dialog box, move the cursor over one of theaccent color buttons or over the main color, and double click the leftmouse button. Use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease thered, green, and blue (RGB) values.N You can select the Lock Color check box to make sure the color you defineis not changed in the Paint Box when you change objectives or documenttype. Lock Color does not prevent you from changing the color through theColor Palette pop-up window or the Color Picker dialog box.