Transmission (TX) Reports12-2Reports and Lists12Transmission (TX) ReportsThe machine normally prints a report only when an error occurs during sending (ERRORTX REPORT). However, you can set the machine to print a report every time you send a document(TX REPORT).If you send a document using memory, you can also select whether the first page of the document isprinted with the report. See “1.TX REPORT“ in the menu on p. 15-7 for detailson setting these options.Error TX ReportST. TIME Represents the time the last attempt was made to transmit a document.TIME USE Represents the amount of time it took during the last attempt to transmit. Please note that theusage time does not reflect the total usage time used to transmit all pages of the document when“retry” occurs. By printing an ACTIVITY REPORT and matching the transaction number of theTX REPORT with a transaction number in the ACTIVITY REPORT you can find out exactly howmany attempts were made to send the document, how many pages were sent in each attempt aswell as the usage time for each attempt.PAGES SENT When OK appears under RESULT (see below), PAGES SENT represents the number of pagesthat were successfully transmitted when an error did not occur in the first attempt or in consequentretries.When NG appears under RESULT (see below), PAGES SENT indicates the pages after this pagewere not sent.RESULT OK means that all pages were transmitted either during the first attempt or after the first or secondretry.NG means that either some or no pages were transmitted after 2 retries.31/12 2003 10:32 FAX 8334423 WORLD ESTATE, INC. 001✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽ ERROR TX REPORT ✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽TX FUNCTION WAS NOT COMPLETEDTX/RX NO 0006DESTINATION TEL # 1 213 978 3314DESTINATION ID JOHN BARRISTERST. TIME 31/12 10:30TIME USE 00'00PAGES SENT 0RESULT NG STOP