Menu Descriptions 15-9The Menu System153.AUTO REDIAL Sets whether to perform automatic redial whenthe other line is busy or no answer.ON Customizes the redial operation.1.REDIAL TIMES Sets the number of retries.01 to 10TIMES (02 TIMES)2.REDIAL INTERVAL Sets period of time between redialings.02 to 99MIN. (02 MIN.)OFF After the first attempt at dialing fails, redialing isnot attempted.4.TIME OUT Enables/disables automatic scanning ofdocuments after the fax number is entered byusing speed dialing.ON Scanning begins automatically in 5 or10 seconds after you enter the phone number.OFF Press [Start] to scan document. Otherwise,AUTO CLEAR function activates and the LCDreturns to standby mode after 2 minutes.4.RX SETTINGS Sets the reception functions.1.ECM RX ECM (Error Correction Mode) reception isturned on or off.ON All receptions are conducted with ECM if theother party’s fax supports ECM.OFF ECM is turned off.2.FAX/TEL OPT. SET When FaxTel has been set, the optionalsettings are available.1.RING START TIME Sets the duration that the machine listens for afax tone before starting to ring.00 to 30SEC (08 SEC)(The factory default setting is in bold face.)Name Descriptions