210 GlossaryGgraphicA drawing or diagram created with a graphics application program.graphic setThe rule that defines the correspondence between the host computer and the printer,and determines the arrangement of characters in the character code table.HhandshakeA communication signal between the host computer and the printer. Before the hostcomputer sends data to the printer, the computer sends a signal to the printer that asksif the printer is ready to receive the data. When the printer is ready, it sends a signalthat it is ready to receive. After the data transmission is completed, signals to confirmthe successful completion of the transfer are sent between the host computer and theprinter. This form of communication is called a handshake.host computerThe computer connected to a printer and used to drive the printer when it is on-line.IinitializeReturning the printer to its factory set values. These are the initial values programmedinto the printer’s memory before shipping from the factory. The printing environmentsettings change the power-on defaults. When you initialize the printer, you erase allpower-on defaults and restore the printer to its factory defaults.interfaceThe connection between two devices, such as your printer and host computer, thatallows them to communicate. Your printer has a parallel interface.interface cableThe cable used to connect your printer and host computer. You must use a parallelcable for the parallel interface.