8-14 C20 Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager Chapter 8❏ Default Action If No Answer to TelephoneYou set this option to Receive if you want the C20 to handle anincoming call, detected as a telephone call that is not answered, as anincoming fax. If no fax is received, the line is then disconnected. If youset this option to Disconnect, the C20 automatically disconnects theunanswered call, without switching to try and receive a fax.❏ Manual/Auto Switch (Europe only)To prevent missing incoming documents when the C20 is set tomanual receiving, you can set the unit to automatically answer thephone and switch to automatic. The unit can receive the incoming faxafter the specified ring time (the number of seconds you specify).❏ Answering Machine Mode OptionsYou use this option only if: you set the receive mode on the Receive Faxtab to answering machine mode, and your fax sender may be using afax machine that does not emit a send fax signal.Select this option to have the C20 automatically receive a call as a faxcall if a send fax signal is not detected for the number of seconds youspecify.Clear this option to have the C20 remain in answering machine modeeven if no send fax signal is detected. If no sound is detected by theC20 (such as the caller speaking to leave a message), the answeringmachine disconnects.❏ Remote ReceiveYou select this option so that you can set the C20 — with the telephonehandset or from a telephone extension — to receive a fax if anincoming call is ringing on the C20. If you select this option, you mustassign a remote identification number that signals the C20 to receivethe fax.❏ Remote Identification NumberIf the Remote Receive option is selected, you assign the identificationnumber you will use to set the C20 to receive a fax.