Index I-3IndexIndexFax cover pagecreating a new 5-29deleting 5-35designing 5-27editing an existing 5-34printing 5-36Fax Logusing 5-14Fax Log commententering when sending a PC fax 5-9Fax memodescribed 5-10Fax recipientspecifying when sending a PC fax 5-5Fax senderspecifying when sending a PC fax 5-8Fax/phone charactersusing in the Desktop Manager A-1Foldercreating a new 7-7deleting 7-9In Box, overview 4-7moving a document 7-7opening 4-10Out Box, overview 4-7overview for the Desktop Manager 4-6renaming 7-8Scan, overview 4-7Sent Fax, overview 4-8system-defined, described 4-6Trash, overview 4-8user-defined, described 4-8Folders listoverview for the Desktop Manager 4-5GGraphicdrawing on a document 7-23Graphics optionssetting a custom model in the printerdriver 3-12setting in the printer driver 3-10Group dial assignmentsfor the C20 8-16Group entryadding and editing in the AddressBook 5-20described for the Address Book 5-17using when sending a fax 5-22IIdle statusfor the Status Monitor 8-22Importan Address Book 5-23Importinga document in the Desktop Manager 7-10In Box folderoverview 4-7Individual entryadding and editing in the AddressBook 5-18described for the Address Book 5-17Installationfor Windows 3.1x 2-5for Windows 95 2-7overview 2-2preparing for 2-2JJobin the Out Box folder 7-3stopping in the Out Box folder 7-6Job statusin the Out Box folder 7-4