5-20 PC Faxing Chapter 5Entering the Fax and Phone NumbersWhen you enter the fax or phone number, you use the applicable numericcharacters and any valid characters that separate the different segments ofthe fax or phone number. For example, you can use 0 through 9, dash (-),or parentheses (). Other characters are also available for entering a fax orphone number. For a complete list of the characters that are valid in theDesktop Manager, refer to Appendix A.You do not include any prefix number your phone system may require toaccess an outside phone line. Any prefix is defined in the DesktopManager Setup Options dialog box.Adding and Editing a Group AddressA group address consists of addresses previously set up in the AddressBook, either individual addresses or other group addresses. When addinga new group, you assign a name to the group and select previously definedaddresses from the Address Book to include in the group address. Whenediting a group address, you can add other addresses or delete addressesfrom the group.To add or edit a group entry:1. With the Address Book open, click the command to add or edit a groupentry. To add a new group, click New Group. To edit a group, select the entry in the Address Book and click Edit.The dialog box provides the same fields of information, whether youare adding or editing a group entry. When editing, previously definedinformation is displayed.