Chapter 8 C20 Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager 8-29C20 Setup and OtherUtilities in theDesktop Manager For Windows 95:On the Windows desktop, click Start, and then point to Programs.On the Programs menu, point to MultiPASS C20. Then clickMultiPASS Diagnostics.The MultiPASS Diagnostics displays a message indicating if all testswere performed successfully. Messages appear suggesting solutionsfor any problems detected.2. When prompted in a dialog box, click Yes to view the log file.3. In the MultiPASS Diagnostics window, to save the log file, choose SaveAs on the File menu.4. In the Save As dialog box, specify the drive, directory, and filename forsaving the file. Then click OK.5. To exit the MultiPASS Diagnostics window, on the File menu, clickExit.Uninstalling the Desktop ManagerIf you are planning on reinstalling MultiPASS Desktop Manager, you mustfirst uninstall the current installation of the software. When you uninstallthe software, you remove the MultiPASS Desktop Manager and relatedscanner, printer, and fax drivers. The following items are not removed, sothat you can reinstall the MultiPASS Desktop Manager at a later time andcontinue to use your data files:❏ MPASS directory❏ Data folders and files(such as Fax Log and Address Book)❏ System files shared with other applications.