Chapter 9 Special Features 9-3Special Features6 Use the numeric buttons to dial the country Ex:code, the area code, and the fax/telephonenumber of the other party.• If you enter the wrong number, press Stopand start again from step 4.7 If necessary, press to enter a pause. Ex:• A pause at the end of a number (P) is fixed toten seconds.8 Press to begin scanning for sending.• To cancel the transmission once dialing hasstarted, press Stop then T. (1 p. 7-9)nTo take advantage of the speed dialing features of your MultiPASS, register frequentlyused overseas numbers for one-touch or coded speed dialing. (1 pp. 6-3, 6-6)Switching Temporarily to Tone DialingMany information services for banks, airline reservations, hotel reservations, etc.,require tone dialing for their services. If your MultiPASS is connected to a rotary pulseline, follow this procedure to set the unit temporarily for tone dialing:1 Press .• You can also lift the handset of the telephoneconnected to your unit instead of pressingHook.2 Use the numeric buttons to dial the Ex:telephone number of the informationservice.• The unit connects using the pulses required byyour telephone line.3 When the recorded message of the Ex:information service answers, press toswitch to tone dialing.• When T is pressed, T is displayed in the LCD.• If you pressed Hook in step 1, you can pickup the handset of the telephone if you need totalk to the other party.ToneTEL= 7654321TTEL= 7654321TEL=HookStartTEL= 011p811234PRedial /PauseTEL= 011p811234