7-10 Sending Faxes Chapter 7Redialing When the Line is BusyThere are two methods of redialing:Manual redialing andAutomatic redialing. Thissection explains these two methods.Manual RedialingPress Redial/Pause to dial the last number you dialed with the numeric buttons. (Thisstarts redialing regardless of whether automatic redialing is enabled.)Canceling Manual RedialingTo cancel manual redialing, press Stop.Automatic RedialingWhat is Automatic Redialing?When you are sending using memory sending and the other party’s line is busy, theunit waits the specified time and then dials the same number again. You can set theMultiPASS to redial several times if previous attempts fail because of a busy signal.This feature is calledAutomatic redialing.After the initial dial attempt, the MultiPASS is factory-set to wait two minutes and thentry to dial again. If the second attempt fails because the line was busy, the MultiPASSwill again wait for two minutes and make a final attempt to complete the call.*Automatic redialing can be turned off and on. The number of redialing attempts and thetime interval between attempts can also be adjusted. (1 p. 7-11)If all redialing attempts are unsuccessful, the MultiPASS will cancel the transmissionand print an Error TX Report to remind you that the transmission was not completed.(1 p. 11-4)nThe automatic redialing feature can also be set up from the MultiPASS Suite.(1MultiPASS Suite User’s Guide)When automatic redialing is in use, the LCD alternately displays AUTO REDIAL and thetransaction number (TX/RX NO.) while it is waiting to redial.Canceling Automatic RedialingAutomatic redialing cannot be canceled with the Stop button while the unit is waiting toredial. To cancel automatic redialing, do the following:1 Wait until the MultiPASS begins redialing. DIALING* Even if the MultiPASS is set to redial several times, it will redial only once if there is no tone or there is aring back tone during the first attempt.