13-6 Troubleshooting Chapter 13Message Error Code Cause ActionCART. RETURNCARTRIDGE JAMMEDCHECK COVERCHANGE CARTRIDGECHECK DOCUMENTCHECK PAPER SIZECHECK PRINTER———#052#001——The cartridge holder isreturning to its homeposition.The cartridge holdercannot move. This isnormally due to apaper jam.You opened the printercover during anoperation. Also appearsafter CHANGECARTRIDGE isdisplayed.The printer cover is openand the cartridge holderis moving to the centerof the unit.The document is jammedin the ADF.The document feedlever is set to m (manualdocument feed) for amultipage document.The size of the paper inthe multi-purpose trayand that specified in thePAPER SIZE setting aredifferent.There may be anobstruction that is notallowing the cartridgeholder mechanism tomove.Wait until this message nolonger appears beforestarting an operation.Clear the paper jam orwhatever is obstructing thecartridge holder and thenpress Resume. Do notattempt to move thecartridge holder manually.Close the printer cover.Wait until the cartridgeholder stops, then replacethe BJ cartridge or tanks(1 pp. 12-11, 12-17).When you are finished,close the printer cover andwait for the unit to return tostandby mode.Remove the document youare trying to send or copy(1 p. 13-3) and start again.Set the document feedlever to a (automaticdocument feed). (1 p. 4-2)Load the correct paper sizeor change the PAPER SIZEsetting. (1 p. 14-7)Check for a paper clip orother small object. Checkalso for a paper jam andclear the jam if necessary(1 p. 13-4). Then pressResume and start again.