INSTALLATION IVI. SETTING CONTROLCARD V1 Open the front door, and remove theinside cover.2) Remove the control panel; see p.4-23) Turn over the control panel, remove thescrew that holds the face lid in place.4) Remove the face plate.© Mounting screw © Face lidFigure 5-215) Remove the protection sheet from theindicator unit of Control Card V.6) Place the clear sheet over the hole of theindicator unit.©Hole© Holes for mountingscrewsFigure 5-23Check that the connector for the printer isfound at the center of the hole.Figure 5-22© Connector for printerFigure 5-247) Fix Control Card V on the control panelusing four mounting screws.Slide a card into Control Card V, and fixControl Card V where the card can be slid inand out easily.COPYRIGHT© 1992 CANON IMC. CANON NP-1550 REV.0 JAN. 1992 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPONj 5-15