I MECHANICAL SYSTEMc. Attaching the Primary/Transfer CoronaAssembly WirePrimary Corona Assembly1) Remove the four tension springs, anddetach the grid plate.4)5)Cut the twisted end of the corona wire toabout 1j mm or less using a nipper.Hook the loop of the corona wire asshown in Figure 4-65, and lead the wirealong the V-groove of the height adjustingroll. ';Hook the corona wire tension spring onthe corona wire, and twist the springthree to four times as shown.Primary corona assembly(about 2 mm); /( OL d fenJ© Grid tension springs ® Grid plateFigure 4-64Transfer Corona Assembly2) Detach the gut wire from the transfercorona assembly; see p. 4-213) Free about 40 mm from the corona wirereel (0.06 mm dia.), and form a loop at itsend about 2 mm in diameter.Wind the 'capitii&jt^i$$Qi^'%'ftefa'lkey on6e, and turn the hex key four tofive times: then twist it to form a loop.Transfer corona assembly(about 5 mm)Figure 4-656) Cut the excess corona wire to about 1mm or less using a nipper.7) Pick the end of the corona wire tensionspring using tweezers, and hook iton thecoronaj'terminal.Note:i. Make sure that the corona wire is free.of breaks or twists and its gold platinghas not peeledii. Make sure that the corona wire is notslack; normal, if the length of the;corona wire tension spring is 1 2 mm.in. Make sure that the corona wire is inthe V-groove of the height adjustingroll.4-22 COPYRIGHT© 1992 CANONINC. CANON NP-1550 REM JAN. 1992 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)