Power switch 170o CON (150°C)V ^7180°C COPY START key(160-C) ON'_sz.Green indicatorjlights to A. GENERAL TIMING CHARTindicate copying pan sta rt (A4, AE, 2 COpieS)2 Varies depending on the reproduction ratio and the setting of 'leading edge (C3V in the service moT•3 ^'eSHePen5' nSOntheCaSSe,,eSizeandthe ^l ^d reproduction ratio*3 Varies depending on ths reproduction ratio<-""" ratio.4 ££ ass o°n e sr-s adjustmem (c4) in ,he service m°^ —- -COPYRIGHT© 1992 CANON MC.PnoCANON NP-1550 REV.1 SEPT. 1992 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)Generated only when the CT unit is in use to increase the intensi y of the scanning lampCT unit's us™'' *"" ^ 3 ° ** ^*° "'"* develoP in 9 asdemb|y is "sed and 120 sec when theUsed only when the multifeeder is in use.Varies depending on the setting of 'leading edge non-image width' in the service modeVanes depending on the cassette size.A-1