OPERATIONS and TIMING IThe blank exposure shutter is moved bythe cam attached to the bottom of thelens when the lens moves to the blankexposure position, which corresponds tothe cassette size.The blank solenoid (SL4) goes OFFas soon as the blank exposure shutterhas moved to a cut-out to fix the shutterin position; cut-offs are provided for eachcassette size. DIRECT and ENLARGEcopies are made with the mechanism inthis position.s6\\\\\\\\Cut-offsFigure 3-30c. When the REDUCE mode is selected, thelens first returns to the home positionand then moves to a position thatcorresponds to the selected reductionratio. At the time, the blank exposureshutter is moved over a distancecorresponding to the selected reductionratio by the cam attached to the bottomof the lens to execute blank exposure.jffiuumnummnmmmmm™ (13Figure 3-31COPYRIGHT© 1992 CANON INC. CANON NP-1550 REV.0 JAN. 1992 PRINTED IH JAPAH (IHPRIME AU JAPON] 3-29