1-2Setting MenuYou can move to each setting page from Setting Menu for following various camera settings. Fordetails, refer to each page of this manual.● Setting Menu● NetworkSettings for the administrator password, LAN, IPv6, DNS and SNMP (➞ P.1-7)● Date and TimeSettings for the date, time and time zone on the camera (➞ P.1-11)● CameraSettings for the camera name, camera initial settings, camera control, day/night, installationconditions, camera position control, external input device names and external output devicenames (➞ P.1-13)● ImageSettings for image quality, image size and frame rate of JPEG image and MPEG-4 video(➞ P.1-19)● UploadSettings for HTTP/FTP upload via HTTP or FTP and e-mail notification (➞ P.1-21)● ServerSettings for the image server, audio server and HTTP server (➞ P.1-26)● EventSettings for image buffer, motion detection, external device input, interval timer and voice fileupload (➞ P.1-29)● Access ControlSettings for the authorized user account, user authority and host access restriction (➞ P.1-35)COPY