I Thicken Fine LinesActivate this option to print fine lines more distinctly.J Unidirectional PrintingSelect this checkbox to prevent problems such as misaligned lines and improve the print quality. However, the printingspeed becomes slower.K Sharpen TextActivate this option to print text more sharply.T Economy PrintingSelect this checkbox to reduce the amount of ink consumed during printing. However, the print quality is worse than fornormal printing.Select this mode if you want to conserve ink when checking drawings, for example. Depending on the A Media Typeand F Print Quality settings, this mode may not be available.Paper Information on Printer Dialog BoxOn the Paper Information on Printer dialog box, you can obtain information on the paper in the printer and configureprinter driver settings for the paper source and media type.Note• To display the Paper Information on Printer dialog box, on the Main sheet, click Get Information byMedia Type.(See "Main Sheet →P.204 ")A Paper SourceShows the paper source supported by the printer, as well as information about the loaded paper. To update the papersource and media type settings in the printer driver, select the desired Paper Source option and click OK.Windows Software > Printer Driver >iPF825 Paper Information on Printer Dialog Box4207