Setting Item Description, InstructionsWarning Detect Mismatch Choose Warning for notification (display of a warningmessage) during printing if the paper type specified inthe printer menu does not match the paper type in theprinter driver. Choose None to continue to print withoutnotification. Choose Pause to have printing paused un-der these circumstances. In this case, you can continueprinting by pressing the Online button.Keep Paper Size Choose On to use the paper size setting as the basis forprinting instead of other settings. The margin setting ofthe printer menu will be used instead of the margin set-ting of the printer driver if the latter is smaller, whichmay prevent text or images in the margin from beingprinted.Choose Off to use the printer driver settings instead.Even if the margin setting of the printer driver is smallerthan that of the printer menu, text or images will not becut off. However, this requires longer paper because theactual margin will be equal to the margin setting of theprinter driver plus the margin setting of the printermenu.Paper Size Basis Sht Selection 1 If sheet size detection is activated, choose whether ISOA3+ or 13"x19"(Super B) is applied when an inter-mediate size is detected.Sht Selection 2 If sheet size detection is activated, choose whether ISOB1 or 28"x40" (ANSI F) is applied when an intermedi-ate size is detected.Roll Switching Use Optimal Size Selects the optimal paper size to minimize the amountof paper wasted.No RollSwitching Prints using the roll currently advanced on the Platen.TrimEdge Reload Specify whether to trim the leading edge of the currentlyretracted roll when the roll is advanced. Cut the edge ifyou are concerned about any marks left on the roll whenthe roll is left in the retracted position. Selecting On willalways trim the edge when the roll is advanced from theretracted position. Selecting Automatic will trim theedge when the roll has been in the retracted position fortwo days or more.Printer Parts > Control Panel >Main Menu Settings iPF8259688