4. The Plot dialog box opens.Perform the settings that you need on the Plot dialog box, then click the OK button.Note• The content of the settings done in the Plotter Configuration Editor dialog box are reflected inthe Paper size settings on the Plot dialog box.• For more details about the Plot dialog box, please refer to the AutoCAD manual.5. The print job begins.Note• If the output exceeds the number of pixels prescribed for the media, in order to prevent AutoCADfrom hanging up during the print job a warning dialog box opens and asks if you want to lowerthe resolution or reduce the number of colors. If this occurs, click the OK button to cancel theprint job and then lower the resolution or reduce the number of colors.• Some media may not allow printing with certain resolution settings. If you have selected a resolu-tion setting that cannot be used for printing, then a dialog box will open and prompt you tochange the resolution. If this occurs, click the OK button to cancel the print job and then lowerthe resolution.• A message from AutoCAD is displayed when printing starts. Press the OK button to execute theprint job. This message display can be disabled with the Options setting in the AutoCAD Toolsmenu. For more details, please refer to the AutoCAD manual.Windows Software > HDI Driver >iPF825 Printing4365