Report and List Samples 9-39 Appendix■ JOB NO.The four digit number, that is automatically assigned when the document is accepted for sending, isprinted.■ DEPT. IDIf Department ID Management is set, the Department ID is printed.■ DESTINATION ADDRESSThe fax number of the transmission destination is printed, up to the first 20 digits.■ PSWD/SUBADDRESSA subaddress is printed, if specified.■ DESTINATION IDThe name of the remote party is printed.■ ST. TIMEThe date and time (in 24-hour notation) at which the document started to transmit are printed. The StartTime is printed only for send jobs that have been set with the Delayed Send setting.■ USAGE TThe time taken (in minutes and seconds) to send the document from start to finish is printed.■ PGS.The number of pages that were sent successfully to the remote party is printed.■ RESULTIf the documents were transmitted successfully, "OK" is printed.If a sending error occurred, "NG" is printed.If a sending error occurred, the page number in which the error occurred and the error code number areprinted.