Report and List Samples 9-119 AppendixAddress Book ListThis list shows the Address Book List registration status and prints a standard list of allOne-Touch Speed Dialing numbers registered in memory. Print this list manually as needed.(See "Address Book List," on p. 7-9.)■ DESTINATION NAMEThe name of the specified destination is printed.When printing the contents of a one-touch button, the number of the one-touch button is printed on thefirst line.■ CLASSThe specified destination's class is printed.■ DESTINATION ADDRESSThe fax number is printed on the first line, and the subaddress on the second line.• If the Class is 'GROUP':The destinations stored in the group address are printed on the second line and continues down in alist. If a file server is stored in the group address, no additional information is printed on the secondline.