*Network is not ready , try later : getNo.2 A communication test results NG! even if network setting is set properly.Cause: No proper firmware has been installed, or E-RDS settings have not been completed.Remedy: The following points should be checked.1. Check the firmware compatibility of device.2. Check network conditions such as proxy server settings and so on.3. Check E-RDS setting.a) Check the communication log from COM-LOG.b) If RGW-ADR or RGW-PORT setting has changed, restore default value by Servicemode > #CLEAR > ERDS-DAT.c) If CA certificate file has changed, restore the original certificate file installed at the factory shipment to the device by usinga service support tool.No.3 There was a log, indicating "Network is not ready, try later (No.22)" in error details of COM-LOG list.Causes: A certain problem occurred in networking.Remedy: Check and take actions mentioned below.1. Check networking conditions and connections.2. Turn on the power supply of a device and perform a communication test (Servicemode > #E-RDS > COM-TEST about 60seconds later.No.4 "Unknown error" is displayed though a communication test has done successfully.Causes: A certain problem was in the server side, or possibly a network load has been added.Remedy: The following points should be checked.1. Change data transmission schedules, and then see how things going.2. Try again after a period of time. If the same error persists, check the UGW status with a network and UGW administrator.■ Error code and stringsThe error information appeared to a communication test log is as follows. ( Here, "server" means UGW)By error list, error No.1 and No.2 display only an error character strings.Error No 3 henceforth, these are displayed in the following form.[*][Error character strings] : [Method name] [Server side detailed error]*: Error character strings head "*" is added to the error generated by the communicationtest.No. Code Error character strings Causes Remedy1 0500 0003 SUSPEND: Communication test is notperformed.The communication test had not beenperformed, though E-RDS is enabled.Select and perform Servicemode >#E-RDS > COM-TEST.2 0xxx 00f2 Event Registration is Failed Processing (event processing) withinthe device has failed.Turn the device OFF/ ON. If the er-ror persists, replace the device sys-tem software. (Upgrade)3 8xxx 2001 URL Scheme error(not https) The header of the URL of the registeredUGW is not in https format.Check that the value of Servicemode > #E-RDS > RGW-ADR ishttps://a01. ugwdevice.net/ugw/agentif010.4 8xxx 200A Server connection error Displayed in the event of a TCP/IP com-munication fault. Also displayed whenan attempt is made at communicationwith the device IP address not set.Check the network connection, asper the initial procedures describedin the troubleshooting.5 8xxx 2002 URL server specified is illegal A URL different to that specified by theUGW has been set.Check that the value of Servicemode > #E-RDS > RGW-ADR canbe https:// a01.ugwdevice.net/ugw/agentif010.6 8xxx 2014 Proxy connection error Could not connect to proxy server dueto improper address.Check proxy server address andre- enter as needed.7 8xxx 201E Proxy authentication error Proxy authentication is failed. Check the user name and pass-word required in order to login tothe proxy, and re-enter as needed.2. Technical Explanation105