When setting the following special size paper for U1, U2, U3, and U4 which are specified for the paper name to be used in papersize group, it becomes possible to treat the paper size in U1, U2, U3, and U4 as special size paper in universal size cassettes.Settings 228: B-OFI, 0: defaul#NETWORKConfigurationItem SW No. Bit Setting rang-esDefault value Description#NETWORKSW1 - - Not used2 SEND 10-2 - Not used3 0 or 1 0 (Disabled) Flag to enable mail header printing When "1" is set, mail headeris added to the print data at the time of e-mail reception.0: Disabled1: Enabled4-7 - Not used3 SEND 20-2 - Not used3 0 or 1 1 (Not rotated) Rotation transmission "No" flag0: Rotated1: Not rotated4-6 - Not used7 0 or 1 0 (Not deleted) Deletion of an error e-mail from the server at the time of POP re-ception0: Not deleted1: Deleted4 SEND 30 0 or 1 1 (Enabled) Flag to enable SMTP authentication algorithm (CRAM-MD5)0: Disabled1: Enabled1 0 or 1 1 (Enabled) Flag to enable SMTP authentication algorithm (PLAIN)0: Disabled1: Enabled2 0 or 1 1 (Enabled) Flag to enable SMTP authentication algorithm (LOGIN)0: Disabled1: Enabled5 3-7 - Not usedMIB/SNMP0 0 or 1 00 (Enabled toobtain all thebilling countervalues)Billing counter MIB function flagbit0=0, bit1=0: Enabled to obtain all the billing counter valuesbit0=0, bit1=1: Enabled to obtain only the billing counter valuesdisplayed on UIbit0=1, bit1=0: Disabled to obtain all the billing counter values1 0 or 12 0 or 1 00 (RW) SNMP (canon_admin) access rightsbit2=0, bit3=0: RWbit2=0, bit3=1: RObit2=1, bit3=0: Disabledbit2=1, bit3=1: OFF3 0 or 14 0 or 1 00 (RW) SNMP (canon_user) access rightsbit4=0, bit5=0: RWbit4=0, bit5=1: RObit4=1, bit5=0: Disabledbit4=1, bit5=1: OFF5 0 or 16-7 - - Not used- - - Not used8. Service Mode268