Ecode Detail Code Item DescriptionE024 0001 Description - The developing assembly toner sensor (TS1)ON counter is checked every 2.5 seconds, and the counter incre-ments 1 count every 25 times when the sensor goes on, and 300counts are reached. - The developing assem-bly toner sensor (TS1) ON counter is checked every 1.5 seconds,and the counter increments 1 count every 15 times when the sen-sor goes on, and 300 counts are reached.Remedy 1.Check connection of the Connector (J207).2.Correct the cable.3.Replace the Developing Assembly Toner Sensor (TS1).E025 0000 Title The connector (J207) of Sub Hopper Toner Sensor (TS2) is dis-connected.Description The Sub Hopper Toner Sensor (TS2) connection detection signalis absent for 100 msec 10 times in sequence. * Error occurs afterthe delivery if a paper in passage exists.Remedy 1.Check connection of the Connector (J207).2.Replace the Sub Hopper Toner Sensor (TS2).3.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).E025 0001 Title Failure of the Bottle Motor (M6)Description The bottle motor (M6) is unlocked when it goes on for 12 consec-utive times at 0.1 sec. intervals. * Error occurs after the delivery ifa paper in passage exists.Remedy 1.Replace the Bottle Motor (M6).2.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).E110 0001 Title Failure of the Scanner Motor (M21)Description The Scanner Motor (M21) speed lock signal does not indicate alocked state a specific period of time after the Scanner Motor (M21)has been started. * The same condition is detected after the errorretry is performed.Remedy 1.Check the cable.2.Replace the Laser Scanner Unit.3.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).E110 0002 Title Failure of the Scanner Motor (M21)Description The speed lock signal indicates a deviation 10 times in sequenceat intervals of 100 msec after the signal has indicated a lockedstate. * The same condition is detected after the error retry is per-formed.Remedy 1.Check the cable.2.Replace the Laser Scanner Unit.3.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).E110 0003 Title Failure of the Scanner Motor (M21)Description The scanner motor (M21) speed lock signal does not indicate alocked state for 6.5 sec. after a switchover is made from low tonormal speed or for 8 sec. after a switchover is made from normalto low speed. * The same condition is detected after the error retryis performed.Remedy 1.Check the cable.2.Replace the Laser Scanner Unit.3.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).E196 0000 Title Error in EEPROM accessDescription 20 retries failed after error occurred during communication withEEPROM. * Error occurs after the delivery if a paper in passageexists.Remedy 1.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).E197 0000 Title Error in communication of Laser Driver PCB (PCB14)Description Communication error with Laser Driver PCB (communication datafailure)Remedy 1.Check the cable.2.Replace the Laser Scanner Unit.3.Replace the DC Controller PCB (PCB4).4.Replace the Main Controller PCB (PCB1).7. Error/Jam/Alarm203 PreviousNext |