3Table 3 - ICVC display data (continued)Example 20 - LEAD/LAG display screenTo access this display from the ICVC default screen:1. Press MenU.. Press SeRVICe.3. Scroll down to highlight eQUIpMent SeRVICe.4. Press SeLeCt.5. Scroll down to highlight LeADLAG.DESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINT DEFAULTLead Lag Control- LEAD/LAG Configuration- DSABLE = 0, Lead = 1- LAG = 2, STANDBY = 3- Load Balance Option- Common Sensor Option- LAG % Capacity- LAG Address- LAG START Timer- LAG STOP Timer- PRESTART FAULT Timer- STANDBY Chiller Option- STANDBY % Capacity- STANDBY Address0 to 30/10/125 to 751 to 2362 to 602 to 602 to 300/125 to 751 to 236DSABLE/ENABLEDSABLE/ENABLE%MinutesMinutesMinutesDSABLE/ENABLE%leadlagloadbalcommsenslag_perlag_addlagstartlagstopprefltstnd_optstnd_perstnd_add0DSABLEDSABLE509210105DSABLE5093Note: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.Example 21 - RAMP_DEM display screenTo access this display from the ICVC default screen:1. Press MenU.. Press SeRVICe.3. Scroll down to highlight eQUIpMent SeRVICe.4. Press SeLeCt.5. Scroll down to highlight RAMp_DeM.DESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINT DEFAULTPulldown Ramp Type:- Select: Temp = 0, kW = 1Demand Limit and kW Ramp- Demand Limit Source- Select: Amps = 0, kW = 1- Amps or kW Ramp %/Min- Demand Limit Prop Band- Demand Limit At 20 mA- 20 mA Demand Limit OptDemand Watts Interval0/10/15 to 203 to 1540 to 1000/15 to 60%%DSABLE/ENABLEMinutesramps1ctdem_srckw_rampdem_appdem_20madem_seldw_int10101040DSABLE15Note: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.Example 22 - TEMP_CTL display screenTo access this display from the ICVC default screen:1. Press MenU.. Press SeRVICe.3. Scroll down to highlight eQUIpMent SeRVICe.4. Press SeLeCt.5. Scroll down to highlight teMp_CtL.DESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINT DEFAULTControl Point Source- ECW Control Option- Temp Pulldown Deg/MinTemperature Reset- RESET TYPE 1- Degrees Reset At 20 mA- RESET TYPE 2- Remote Temp –> No Reset- Remote Temp –> Full Reset- Degrees Reset- RESET TYPE 3- CHW Delta T –> No Reset- CHW Delta T –> Full Reset- Degrees Reset- Enable Reset Type0/11.1 to 5.5-16.6 to 16.6-38 to 118-38 to 118-16.6 to 16.60 to 8.30 to 8.3-16.6 to 16.60 to 3DSABLE/ENABLEKK°C°CKKKKecw_opttmp_rampdeg_20mares_rt1res_rt2deg_rtrestd_1restd_2deg_chwres_selDSABLE1.75.629.518.35.65.602.80