505.30.2 - to log out of network deviceTo access this screen and log out of a network device, fromthe default ICVC screen, press the MenU and SeRVICesoftkeys. Enter the password and, from the SERVICEmenu, highlight LOG OUT OF NETWORK DEVICEand press the SeLeCt softkey. The ICVC default screenwill now be displayed.5.30.3 - time Broadcast enableThe first displayed line, “Time Broadcast Enable”, in theSERVICE/EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION/BRODEFscreen, is used to designate the local chiller as the sole timebroadcaster on a CCN network (there may only be one). Ifthere is no CCN network present and/or there is no desig-nated time broadcaster on the network, current time anddate, Daylight Saving Time (DST), and holidays as configuredin the local chiller’s control will be applied. If a network ispresent and one time broadcaster on the network has beenenabled, current time and date, DST, and holiday schedulesas configured in the controls of the designated time broad-caster will be applied to all CCN devices (including chillers)on the network.5.30.4 - Holiday scheduling (Fig. 14)Up to 18 different holidays can be defined for specialschedule consideration. There are two different screens tobe configured. First, in the SERVICE/EQUIPMENTCONFIGURATION/HOLIDAYS screen, select the firstunused holiday entry (HOLDY01S, for example). As shownin Fig. 14, enter a number for Start Month (1 = January, =February, …, 1 = December), a number for Start Day (1 -31), and Duration in days (0 - 99). By default there are noholidays set up. Second, in the occupancy Schedule tables,specify and enable (by setting “X” under the “H” column)run time period(s) which will apply to all holidays (refer toFig. 8.) A run time period which is enabled for holidays maybe applied to one or more non-holiday days of the week aswell. This may be done for the local (table OCCPC01S), IceBuild (OCCPC0S), and/or CCN (OCCPC03S) schedule(s).If the chiller is on a CCN network, the active holiday defini-tion will be that configured in the device designated at thesole time broadcaster (if one is so enabled). See the TIMEBROADCAST ENABLE section.The broadcast function must be activated for the holidaysconfigured on the HOLIDEF screen to work properly. Accessthe BRODEF screen from the EQUIPMENT CONFIGU-RATION table and select ENABLE to activate the function.Note that when the chiller is connected to a CCN Network,only one chiller or CCN device can be configured as thebroadcast device. The controller that is configured as thebroadcaster is the device responsible for transmitting holi-day, time, and daylight-savings dates throughout the network.To access the BRODEF screen, see the SERVICE menustructure, Fig. 7. To view or change the holiday periods forup to 18 different holidays, perform the following operation:1. At the Menu screen, press SeRVICe to access theService menu.. If not logged on, follow the instructions for Attach toNetwork Device or To Log Out. Once logged on, pressneXt until Equipment Configuration is highlighted.3. Once Equipment Configuration is highlighted, pressSeLeCt to access.4. Press neXt until HOLIDAYS is highlighted. This isthe Holiday Definition table.5. Press SeLeCt to enter the Data Table Select screen.This screen lists 18 holiday tables.6. Press neXt to highlight the holiday table that is to beviewed or changed. Each table is one holiday period,starting on a specific date, and lasting up to 99 days.7. Press SeLeCt to access the holiday table. The Con-figuration Select table now shows the holiday startmonth and day, and how many days the holidayperiod will last.8. Press neXt or pReVIoUS to highlight the month,day, or duration.9. Press SeLeCt to modify the month, day, or duration.10. Press InCReASe or DeCReASe to change theselected value.11. Press enteR to save the changes.1. Press eXIte to return to the previous menu.5.30.5 - Daylight saving time configurationThe BRODEF table also defines Daylight Saving Time(DST) changes. This feature is by default enabled, and thesettings should be reviewed and adjusted if desired. Thefollowing line-item entries are configurable for both DST“Start” and “Stop,” and they are defined in Table 7. Todisable the Daylight Savings Time function simply enter 0minutes for “Start Advance” and “Stop Back.”Table 7 - Daylight saving time valuesITEM DEFINITIONMonth 1 = January, 2 = February, …, 12 = December.Day of Week 1 = Monday,…, 7 = SundayWeek 1 = first occurrence of selected Day of Week in the selectedmonth, 2 = second occurrence of the selected Day, etc. Thisis not necessarily what one would conclude from looking at astandard calendar. For example, April 14, 2003, is Day 1Week 2, but April 15, 2003, is Day 2 Week 3.Time Time of day in 24-hour format when the time advance or setback will occur.Advance/Back “Advance” occurs first in the year, setting the time ahead bythe specified number of minutes on the selected date. “Back”sets the time back by the specified amount (later in the year).Fig. 14 - Example of Holiday Period screen