37MONITORED PARAMETER ALARM/ALERT LIMIT COMMENTSTemperature Sensors Out of Range 260-271,140,141 0.06 > Voltage Ratio > 0.98 or – 40 F > Temperature >118°C for 3 secondsPreset Alarm, Voltage Ratio = Input Voltage/ VoltageReference (5 V)Pressure Transducers Out ofRange260-271 0.06 > Voltage Ratio > 0.98 for 3 seconds Preset Alarm, Voltage Ratio = Input Voltage/ VoltageReference (5 V)High Compressor DischargeTemperature231 COMP DISCHARGE TEMP > 104°C Preset Alarm, Configure COMP DISCHARGE ALERT inSETUP1 screen167 COMP DISCHARGE TEMP > COMP DISCHARGEALERTConfigure COMP DISCHARGE ALERT in SETUP1screen103 COMP DISCHARGE TEMP > COMP DISCHARGEALERT – 5.6°CPrestart Alert, Configure COMP DISCHARGE ALERT inSETUP1 screenHigh Motor Temperature 233 COMP MOTOR WINDING TEMP > 104°C Preset Alarm, Configure COMP MOTOR TEMPOVERRIDE in SETUP1 screen102 COMP MOTOR WINDING TEMP > COMP MOTORTEMP OVERRIDE – 5.6 KPrestart Alert, Configure COMP MOTOR TEMPOVERRIDE in SETUP1 screenCompressor Thrust BearingTemperature101 COMP THRUST BRG TEMP > COMP THRUST BRGALERT – 5.6°CPreset Alert, Configure COMP THRUST BRG ALERT inSETUP1 screen234 COMP THRUST BRG TEMP > 85°C Preset AlarmLow Evaporator Temperature(Freeze Protection)243 Chiller in RECYCLE SHUTDOWN and EVAP TEMP<EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT + 0.5°CPreset Alarm, configure EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT inSETUP1 screen232 EVAP REFRIG TEMP < 0.5°C (water) and EVAPAPPROACH > EVAP APPROACH ALERTPreset Alarm, Configure EVAP APPROACH ALERT inSETUP1 screen-17.8°C < EVAP REFRIG TEMP < 4.4°C (brine) andEVAP APPROACH > EVAP APPROACH ALERTConfigure EVAP REFRIG TRIP POINT and CHILLEDMEDIUM in SETUP1 screen104 EVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP < 0.5°C + REFRIGOVERRIDE DELTA T (water)Prestart Alert, Configure REFRIG OVERRIDE DELTA Tin SETUP1 screenEVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP < EVAP REFRIGTRIPPOINT (brine)Prestart Alert, Configure EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT andCHILLED MEDIUM in SETUP1 screenTransducer Voltage Fault 239 5.5 V d.c. < Voltage Reference < 4.5 V d.c. Preset AlarmHigh Condenser Pressure- Control235 CONDENSER PRESSURE > 1137 kPa Preset Alarm, Configure COND PRESS OVERRIDE inSETUP1 screen- Switch 207 High Pressure Switch Open (1137 ± 35 kPa) & VFDSTART = YESPreset Alarm, Switch closes at 758 kPa- Prestart 106 CONDENSER PRESSURE > COND PRESSOVERRIDE – 137 kPaPrestart Alert, Configure COND PRESS OVERRIDE inSETUP1 screenCONDENSER PRESSURE > 1000 kPa Prestart AlertLow Condenser Pressure(Freeze Protection)244 Chiller in PUMPDOWN mode and CONDENSERREFRIG TEMP < CONDENSER FREEZE POINTPreset Alarm, Configure CONDENSER FREEZE POINTin SETUP1 screen.154 Energises condenser pump relay if CONDENSERREFRIG TEMP < CONDENSER FREEZE POINT.Deenergises condenser pump relay whenCONDENSER REFRIG TEMP > CONDENSERFREEZE POINT + 2.8 K and ENTERING CONDLIQUID > CONDENSER FREEZE POINTConfigure CONDENSER FREEZE POINT in SETUP1screenOil- Low Pressure228 OIL PRESSURE DELTA P < 90 kPa and VFD START= TRUEPreset Alarm- Low Pressure OIL PRESSURE DELTA P < 124 kPa and startupcomplete after OIL PRESS VERIFY TIME elapsedPreset Alarm, Configure OIL PRESS VERIFY TIME inSETUP1 screen- Low Pressure 142 OIL PRESSURE DELTA P < 124 kPa and startupcompletePreset Alert- Pressure Sensor Fault 227 OIL PRESSURE DELTA P > 28 kPa immediatelybefore oil pump turned onPreset Alarm- Low Temperature 105 OIL SUMP TEMP < 66°C and OIL SUMP TEMP <EVAP REFRIG TEMP + 27.8°CPrestart AlertLine Voltage- High211/145 Line voltage > approximately 528 V, limits arecalculated by VFDPreset Alarm/Alert- High 108 PERCENT LINE VOLTAGE > Overvoltage threshold Preset Prestart Alert- Low 212/146 DC BUS VOLTAGE < approximately 408 V, limits arecalculated by a VFDPreset Alarm/Alert- Low 107 PERCENT LINE VOLTAGE < Undervoltage threshold Preset Prestart Alert- Imbalance 216 LINE VOLTAGE IMBALANCE > LINE VOLTAGE %IMBALANCEConfigure LINE VOLTAGE % IMBALANCE and LINEVOLT IMBALANCE TIME in VFD CONF screenLine Current - Single Cycle Dropout 210/144 Line Voltage on 2 Phases < 50% for 1 Cycle Preset Alarm- Imbalance 209/143 LINE CURRENT IMBALANCE>LINE CURRENT %IMBALANCEConfigure LINE CURRENT % IMBALANCE and LINECURRENT IMBALANCE TIME in VFD_CONF screenPower - Line Frequency Out ofRange222 47 Hz < LINE FREQUENCY < 63 Hz Preset Alarm- ICVC Power on Reset 214/148 Loss of control power to ICVC for excessive timeperiodPreset AlarmMotor - Surge 238 > 5 surge events within SURGE TIME PERIOD andVFD SPEED > 90%Preset Alarm, Configure SURGE DELTA% AMPS andSURGE TIME PERIOD in OPTIONS screenSurge 236 > 5 surge events within SURGE TIME PERIOD andVFD SPEED < 90%Preset Alarm, Configure SURGE DELTA% AMPS andSURGE TIME PERIOD in OPTIONS screenCurrent Imbalance 225 MOTOR CURRENT IMBALANCE > MOTORCURRENT % IMBALANCEConfigure MOTOR CURRENT % IMBALANCE andMOTOR CURRENT IMBAL TIME in VFD_CONF screenOverload Trip 217 Any LOAD CURRENT PHASE > 108% for ExcessiveTime PeriodPreset Alarm, Configure MOTOR LOAD ACTIVEDEMAND LIMIT in MAINSTAT screenExcessive Amps 208 PERCENT LOAD CURRENT > 110% for 30 seconds. Preset AlarmAcceleration Fault 203 PERCENT LOAD CURRENT > 95% and VFDSTART= TRUE for 5 to 40 secondsPreset Alarm, PERCENT LOAD CURRENT = AVERAGELOAD CURRENT/MOTOR RATED LOAD AMPSAmps Not Sensed 202 PERCENT LOAD CURRENT < 5% for 3 seconds andVFD START=TRUE for 20 secondsPreset Alarm, PERCENT LOAD CURRENT = AVERAGELOAD CURRENT/MOTOR RATED LOAD AMPSTable 5 - Protective limits and control settings