516 - START-UP/SHUTDOWN/RECYCLE SEQUENCE(FIG. 15)6.1 - Local start-upLocal start-up (or a manual start-up) is initiated by pressingthe LoCAL menu softkey on the default ICVC screen.Local start-up can proceed when the chiller scheduleindicates that the CURRENT TIME and CURRENTDATE have been established as a run time and date, andafter the internal timers have expired. The timers include a15-minute start-to-start timer and a 1-minute stop-to-starttimer, which together serve to prevent excessive cycling andabuse of the motor. The value of these timers is displayedas START INHIBIT TIMER and can be viewed on theMAINSTAT and DEFAULT screens. Both timers mustexpire before the chiller will start. If the timers have notexpired, the RUN STATUS parameter on the MAINSTATscreen will read TIMEOUT.note: The time schedule is said to be “occupied” if theOCCUPIED ? parameter on the MAINSTAT screen is set toYES. For more information on occupancy schedules, see thesections on Time Schedule Operation (page 19), OccupancySchedule (page 35), and To Prevent Accidental Start-Up(page 53), and Fig. 8.If the OCCUPIED ? parameter on the MAINSTAT screen isset to NO, the chiller can be forced to start as follows. Fromthe default ICVC screen, press the MenU and StAtUSsoftkeys. Scroll to highlight MAINSTAT. Press the SeLeCtsoftkey. Scroll to highlight CHILLER START/STOP. Pressthe StARt softkey to override the schedule and start thechiller.note: The chiller will continue to run until this forced startis released, regardless of the programmed schedule. Torelease the forced start, highlight CHILLER START/STOPfrom the MAINSTAT screen and press the ReLeASesoftkey. This action returns the chiller to the start and stoptimes established by the schedule.The chiller may also be started by overriding the timeschedule. From the default screen, press the MenU andSCHeDULe softkeys. Scroll down and select the currentschedule. Select OVERRIDE, and set the desired overridetime.Another condition for start-up must be met for chillers thathave the REMOTE CONTACTS OPTION on the EQUIP-MENT SERVICE screen set to ENABLE. For these chillers,the REMOTE START CONTACT parameter on the MAIN-STAT screen must be CLOSED. From the ICVC defaultscreen, press the MenU and StAtUS softkeys. Scroll tohighlight MAINSTAT and press the SeLeCt softkey.Scroll down the MAINSTAT screen to highlight REMOTESTART CONTACT and press the SeLeCt softkey. Then,press the CLoSe softkey. To end the override, selectREMOTE CONTACTS INPUT and press the ReLeASesoftkey.Once local start-up begins, the PIC III performs a series ofpre-start tests to verify that all pre-start alerts and safetiesare within the limits shown in Table 6. The RUN STATUSparameter on the MAINSTAT screen line now reads PRE-START. If a test is not successful, the start-up is delayed oraborted. If the tests are successful, the CHILLED WATERPUMP relay energises, and the RUN STATUS line nowreads STARTUP. See Table 8.Five seconds later, the CONDENSER WATER PUMP relayenergises. Thirty seconds later, the PIC III monitors thechilled water and condenser water flow devices and waits untilthe WATER FLOW VERIFY TIME (operator-configured,default 5 minutes) expires to confirm flow. After flow isverified, the chilled water temperature is compared toCONTROL POINT plus 1/2 CHILLED WATER DEAD-BAND. If the temperature is less than or equal to this value,the PIC III turns off the CONDENSER WATER PUMPrelay and goes into a RECYCLE mode.note: The 19XRV units are not available with factory-installed chilled water or condenser water flow devices(available as an accessory for use with the CCM controlboard).If the water/brine temperature is high enough, the start-upsequence continues and checks the guide vane position. Ifthe guide vanes are more than 4% open, the start-up isdelayed until the PIC III closes the vanes. If the vanes areclosed and the oil pump pressure is less than 8 kPa, the oilpump relay energises. The PIC III then waits until the oilpressure (OIL PRESS VERIFY TIME, operator-configured,default of 40 seconds) reaches a maximum of 14 kPa.After oil pressure is verified, the PIC III waits 40 seconds,and the VFD energises to start the compressor.Table 8 — Prestart checksQUANTITY CHECKED REQUIREMENT ALERT STATE IF FALSESTARTS IN 12 HOURS < 8 (not counting recycle restarts or auto restarts after power failure) ALERT is clearedonce RESET is pressed.100COMP THRUST BRG TEMP < [COMP THRUST BRG ALERT] 5.6°C 101COMP MOTOR WINDING TEMP < [COMP MOTOR TEMP OVERRIDE] 5.6°C 102COMP DISCHARGE TEMP < [COMP DISCHARGE ALERT] 5.6°C 103EVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP < [EVAP REFRIG TRIPPOINT] + [REFRIG OVERRIDE DELTA T] 104OIL SUMP TEMP < 65.5°C or <[EVAPORATOR REFRIG TEMP] + 27.8°C 105CONDENSER PRESSURE < [COND PRESS OVERRIDE] 138 kPa and < 1000 kPa 106PERCENT LINE VOLTAGE < [Undervoltage Threshold] 107PERCENT LINE VOLTAGE > [Overvoltage Threshold] 108ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POS Controls test guide vane calibration must be performed 109RECTIFIER TEMPERATURE < RECTIFIER TEMP OVERRIDE –11.1 K 110INVERTER TEMPERATURE < INVERTER TEMP OVERRIDE – 11.1 K 111