5A START INITIATED: Prestart checks are made, evaporator water pump started.B Condenser water pump started (5 seconds after A).C Water flows verified (30 seconds to 5 minutes maximum after B). Chilled watertemperature checked against control point. Guide vanes checked for closure.Oil pump started, tower fan control enabled.D Oil pressure verified (15 seconds minimum, 300 seconds after C)E Compressor motor starts, compressor on-time and service on-time start, 15-minute inhibit timer starts (10 seconds after D), total compressor starts advancesby one, and the number of starts over a 12-hour period advances by one.F SHUTDOWN INITIATED - Compressor motor stops, compressor on-time andservice on-time stop and 1-minute inhibit timer starts.G Oil pump and evaporator pumps deenergised (60 seconds after F). Condenserpump and tower fan control may continue to operate if condenser pressure ishigh. Evaporator pump may continue if in RECYCLE mode.O/A Restart permitted (both inhibit timers expired: minimum of 15 minutes after E;minimum of 1 minute after F).Machine safeties,evaporator pumpCondenser water pumpWater flow, chilled watertemp., guide vanes, oilpump, tower fan controlOil pressureCompressor, compressor on-time and service on-time15-minute start-to-start1-minute stop-to-startCom-pressorrunningTime6.2 - Shutdown sequenceChiller shutdown begins if any of the following occurs:• the STOP button is pressed for at least one second (thealarm light blinks once to confirm the stop command)• a recycle condition is present (see Chilled WaterRecycle Mode section)• the time schedule has gone into unoccupied mode• the chiller protective limit has been reached and chilleris in alarm• the start/stop status is overridden to stop from theCCN network or the ICVCWhen a stop signal occurs, the shutdown sequence first stopsthe compressor by deactivating the VFD output to the motor.A status message of “SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS,COMPRESSOR DEENERGISED” is displayed, and thecompressor on-time and service on-time stop. The guidevanes are then brought to the closed position. The oil pumprelay and the chilled water/brine pump relay shut down 60seconds after the compressor stops. The condenser waterpump shuts down at the same time if the ENTERINGCONDENSER WATER temperature is greater than or equalto 46.1°C and the CONDENSER REFRIG TEMP is greaterthan the CONDENSER FREEZE POINT plus .8 K. Thestop-to-start timer now begins to count down. If the start-to-start timer value is still greater than the value of thestart-to-stop timer, then this time displays on the ICVC.Certain conditions that occur during shutdown can changethis sequence.• If the AVERAGE LINE CURRENT is greater than5% after shutdown, the oil pump and chilled waterpump remain energised and the alarm is displayed.• The condenser pump shuts down when the CONDEN-SER PRESSURE is less than the COND PRESSOVERRIDE threshold minus 4.1 kPa and the CON-DENSER REFRIG TEMP is less than or equal to theENTERING CONDENSER WATER temperatureplus 1.6 K.• If the chiller shuts down due to low refrigerant tempe-rature, the chilled water pump continues to run untilthe LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature isgreater than the CONTROL POINT temperature,plus .8 K).6.2.1 - Automatic soft stop amps thresholdThe soft stop amps threshold feature closes the guide vanesof the compressor automatically if a non-recycle, non-alarmstop signal occurs before the compressor motor isdeenergised.Any time the compressor is directed to STOP (except inthe cases of a fault or recycle shutdown), the guide vanesare directed to close, and the compressor shuts off whenany of the following is true:• AVERAGE LINE CURRENT (%) drops below theSOFT STOP AMPS THRESHOLD• ACTUAL GUIDE VANE POSITION drops below 4%• 4 minutes have elapsed• the STOP button is pressed twiceCompressor ontime and service ontime timers start, and thecompressor STARTS IN 12 HOURS counter and the numberof starts over a 1-hour period counter advance by one.Failure to verify any of the requirements up to this pointwill result in the PIC III aborting the start and displaying theapplicable pre-start mode of failure on the ICVC defaultscreen. A pre-start failure does not advance the STARTSIN 12 HOURS counter. Any failure after the VFD hasenergised results in a safety shutdown, advances the startsin 1 hours counter by one, and displays the applicableshutdown status on the ICVC display. The minimum timeto complete the entire prestart sequence is approximately185 seconds.Fig. 15 - Control sequence