567.4.2 - transducer replacementSince the transducers are mounted on Schrader-typefittings, there is no need to remove refrigerant from thevessel when replacing the transducers. Disconnect thetransducer wiring. Do not pull on the transducer wires.Unscrew the transducer from the Schrader fitting. Wheninstalling a new transducer, do not use pipe sealer (whichcan plug the sensor). Put the plug connector back on thesensor and snap into place. Check for refrigerant leaks.WARNING: Be sure to use a back-up wrench on theSchrader fitting whenever removing a transducer, since theSchrader fitting may back out with the transducer, causingan uncontrolled loss of refrigerant and possible injury topersonnel.7.5 - Control algorithms checkout procedureOne of the tables on the ICVC SERVICE menu is CON-TROL ALGORITHM STATUS. The maintenance screensmay be viewed from the CONTROL ALGORITHMSTATUS table to see how a particular control algorithm isoperating.These maintenance screens show different tables that arevery useful in helping to determine how the control tempe-rature is calculated and guide vane positioned and also forobserving the reactions from load changes, control pointoverrides, hot gas bypass, surge prevention, etc. See Table 9.Table 9 — Control algorithm status tablesTABLE EXPANDED NAME DESCRIPTIONCAPACITY Capacity Control This table shows all values used tocalculate the chilled water/brine controlpoint.OVERRIDE Override Status Details of all chilled water controloverride values.LL_MAINT LEAD/LAG Status Indicates LEAD/LAG operation status.OCCDEFCM Time SchedulesStatusThe Local and CCN occupied schedulesare displayed here to help the operatorquickly determine whether the scheduleis in the “occupied” mode or not.WSMDEFME Water SystemManagerStatusThe water system manager is a CCNmodule that can turn on the chiller andchange the chilled water control point.This screen indicates the status of thissystem.VFD_HIST VFD Alarm History Displays VFD values at last fault.LOADSHED Loadshed Status Displays Loadshed (Demand Limit)status.CUR_ALARM Current Alarm Status Displays current chiller alarms.HEAT_EX* Surge and HGBPStatusThe surge and hot gas bypass controlalgorithm status is viewed from thisscreen. All values related to this controlare displayed.* The HEAT_EX screen is under the STATUS menu.7.6 - Control testThe Control Test feature can check all the thermistortemperature sensors, pressure transducers, pumps andtheir associated flow devices, the guide vane actuator, andother control outputs such as tower fans, VFD coolingsolenoid, shunt trip relay, oil heaters, alarm relay, and hotgas bypass. The tests can help to determine whether a switchis defective or a pump relay is not operating, as well asother useful troubleshooting issues. During pumpdownoperations, the pumps are energised to prevent freeze-upand the vessel pressures and temperatures are displayed.The Pumpdown/Lockout feature prevents compressorstart-up when there is no refrigerant in the chiller or if thevessels are isolated. The Terminate Lockout feature endsthe Pumpdown/Lockout after the pumpdown procedure isreversed and refrigerant is added.