48• if ICE BUILD TERMINATION is set to the TEMPoption and the ENTERING CHILLED WATERtemperature is less than or equal to the ICE BUILDSETPOINT;• if ICE BUILD TERMINATION is set to the CON-TACTS option and the ICE BUILD CONTACT isopen;• if the ICE BUILD TERMINATION is set to the BOTH(temperature and contacts) option and the ENTERINGCHILLED WATER temperature is less than or equalto the ICE BUILD SETPOINT and the ICE BUILDCONTACT is open.The ICE BUILD RECYCLE on the OPTIONS screendetermines whether or not the chiller will go into an icebuild RECYCLE mode.• If the ICE BUILD RECYCLE is set to DSABLE(disable), the PIC III reverts to normal (non-ice build)temperature control when the ice build function isterminated by satisfying one of the above conditions.Once ice build is terminated in this manner, it will notbe reinitiated until the next ice build schedule periodbegins.• If the ICE BUILD RECYCLE is set to ENABLE, thePIC III goes into an ICE BUILD RECYCLE mode,and the chilled water pump relay remains energised tokeep the chilled water flowing when the compressorshuts down. If the temperature of the LEAVINGCHILLED WATER later increases above the ICEBUILD SETPOINT plus half the RECYCLERESTART DELTA T value, the compressor restarts,controlling the chilled water/brine temperature to theICE BUILD SETPOINT.5.28.3 - temperature control during ice buildDuring ice build, the capacity control algorithm shall usethe CONTROL POINT minus .8 K for control of theLEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature. The ECWCONTROL OPTION and any temperature reset optionshall be ignored, if enabled, during ice build. Also, thefollowing control options will be ignored during ice buildoperation:• ECW CONTROL OPTION and any temperaturereset options (configured on TEMP_CTL screen).• 20 mA DEMAND LIMIT OPT (configured onRAMP_DEM screen).5.28.4 - termination of ice buildThe ice build function terminates under the followingconditions:1. Time Schedule — When the current time on the icebuild time schedule (OCCPC0S) is not set as an icebuild time period.. Entering Chilled Water Temperature — Ice build ope-ration terminates, based on temperature, if the ICEBUILD TERMINATION parameter is set to 0 (TEMP),the ENTERING CHILLED WATER temperature isless than the ICE BUILD SETPOINT, and the ICEBUILD RECYCLE is set to DSABLE. If the ICEBUILD RECYCLE OPTION is set to ENABLE, arecycle shutdown occurs and recycle start-up depends onthe LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature beinggreater than the water/brine CONTROL POINT plusthe RESTART DELTA T temperature.3. Remote Contacts/Ice Level Input — Ice build operationterminates when the ICE BUILD TERMINATIONparameter is set to 1 (CONTACTS) and the ICEBUILD CONTACTS are open and the ICE BUILDRECYCLE is set to DSABLE (0). In this case, theICE BUILD CONTACTS provide ice level terminationcontrol. The contacts are used to stop the ice buildfunction when a time period on the ice build schedule(OCCPC0S) is set for ice build operation. The remotecontacts can still be opened and closed to start andstop the chiller when a specific time period on the icebuild schedule is not set for ice build.4. Entering Chilled Water Temperature and ICE BUILDContacts — Ice Build operation terminates when theICE BUILD TERMINATION parameter is set to (BOTH) and the conditions described above in items and 3 for ENTERING CHILLED WATER tempe-rature and ICE BUILD CONTACTS have occurred.note: It is not possible to override the CHILLER START/STOP, CONTROL POINT, and ACTIVE DEMAND LIMITvariables from CCN devices (with a priority 4 or greater)during the ice build period. However, a CCN device canoverride these settings during -chiller lead/lag operation.5.28.5 - Return to non-ice build operationsThe ice build function forces the chiller to start, even if allother schedules indicate that the chiller should stop. Whenthe ice build function terminates, the chiller returns to normaltemperature control and start/stop schedule operation. TheCHILLER START/STOP and CONTROL POINT returnto normal operation. If the CHILLER START/STOP orCONTROL POINT has been forced (with a device of lessthan 4 priority) before the ice build function started, whenthe ice build function ends, the previous forces (of less than4 priority) are not automatically restored.5.29 - Attach to network device controlThe Service menu includes the ATTACH TO NETWORKDEVICE screen. From this screen, the operator can:• enter the time schedule number (if changed) forOCCPC03S, as defined in the NET_OPT screen• attach the ICVC to any CCN device, if the chiller hasbeen connected to a CCN network. This may includeother PIC-controlled chillers.• upgrade softwareFig. 13 shows the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICEscreen. The LOCAL parameter is always the ICVC moduleaddress of the chiller on which it is mounted. Wheneverthe controller identification of the ICVC changes, the changeis reflected automatically in the BUS and ADDRESScolumns for the local device. See Fig. 7. Default address forlocal device is BUS 0 ADDRESS 1.When the ATTACH TO NETWORK DEVICE screen isaccessed, information can not be read from the ICVC onany device until one of the devices listed on that screen isattached. The ICVC erases information about the moduleto which it was attached to make room for information onanother device. Therefore, a CCN module must be attachedwhen this screen is entered.