69notes on module operation1. The chiller operator monitors and modifies configura-tions in the microprocessor by using the 4 softkeys andthe ICVC. Communications between the ICVC and theCCM is accomplished through the SIO (Sensor Input/Output) bus, which is a phone cable. The communicationbetween the CCM and VFD is accomplished throughthe sensor bus, which is a 3-wire cable.. If a green LED is on continuously, check the commu-nication wiring. If a green LED is off, check the redLED operation. If the red LED is normal, check themodule address switches (SW1). See Fig. 16. Confirmall switches are in OFF position.All system operating intelligence resides in the ICVC.Some safety shutdown logic resides in the Gateway incase communications are lost between VFD and ICVC.Outputs are controlled by the CCM and VFD as well.3. Power is supplied to the modules within the controlpanel via the 4 V a.c. T1 and T transformers. Thetransformers are located within the power panel. Inthe power panel, T1 supplies power to the compressoroil heater, and optional hot gas bypass, and T suppliespower to both the ICVC and CCM. T3 provides 4 Vpower to the optional DataPort or DataLINK modules.Power is connected to Plug J1 on each module.Chiller Control Module (CCM) (Fig. 16)InputsEach input channel has or 3 terminals. Refer to individualchiller wiring diagrams for the correct terminal numbersfor a specific application.outputsOutput is 4 V a.c. There are terminals per output. Referto the chiller wiring diagram for a specific application forthe correct terminal numbers.8 - CONTROL MODULESCAUTION: Turn controller power off before servicingcontrols. This ensures safety and prevents damage to thecontroller.The ICVC and CCM modules perform continuous diagnos-tic evaluations of the hardware to determine its condition.Proper operation of all modules is indicated by LEDs (light-emitting diodes) located on the circuit board of the ICVCand CCM. There is one green LED located on the CCMboard, and one red LED located on the ICVC and CCMboards respectively.ReD LeD (Labeled as StAt)If the red LED:• Blinks continuously at a -second interval, the moduleis operating properly• Is lit continuously, there is most likely a hardwarefault that requires replacing the module• Is off continuously, the power should be checked• Blinks 3 times per second, a software error has beendiscovered and the module must be replacedIf there is no input power, check the fuses and circuit breaker.If the fuse is good, check for a shorted secondary of thetransformer or, if power is present to the module, replacethe module.GReeD LeD (Labeled as CoM)These LEDs indicate the communication status betweendifferent parts of the controller and the network modulesand should blink continuously.Inverter status lightCOLOUR STATE DESCRIPTIONGreen Flashing Drive ready, but not running and no faults are present.Steady Drive running, no faults are present.Yellow Flashing The drive is not ready. A VFD start inhibit is in effect. Normal condition when chiller not running because the ICVC hasissued a stop command.Steady An alarm condition exits. Check VFD FAULT CODE in ICVC VFD_STAT screen.Red Flashing A fault has occurred. Check VFD FAULT CODE in ICVC VFD_STAT screen.Steady A non-resettable fault has occurred. Check VFD FAULT CODE in ICVC VFD_STAT screen.Red Inverter, Green Rectifier Steady VFD Gate Kill circuit has opened because the compressor high pressure switch has opened.Rectifier status lightCOLOUR STATE DESCRIPTIONGreen Flashing Rectifier ready, but not running and no faults are present.Steady Rectifier running, no faults are present.Yellow Flashing Rectifier is not ready. A VFD start inhibit is in effect. This is a normal state if the inverter is not running and/or the prechargecontacts are open.Steady Rectifier alarm condition exits. Check VFD FAULT CODE in ICVC VFD_STAT screen.Red Flashing Rectifier fault has occurred. Check (VFD FAULT CODE in ICVC VFD_STAT screen.Steady A non-resettable fault has occurred. Check VFD FAULT CODE in ICVC VFD_STAT screen.Red Inverter, Green Rectifier Steady VFD Gate Kill circuit has opened because the compressor high pressure switch has opened.Inverter and rectifier control board failure status light patternsCOLOUR DESCRIPTIONRed/Green Alternating Control board application firmware may be corrupt. Call Carrier Service.Yellow/Green/Red Repeating Pattern Control board RAM failure or control board firmware may be corrupt. Call Carrier Service.Table 13 - DPI Communications interface board status LEDs