101Table 16 — Alarm and Alert Messaged (cont)I. CHILLER PROTECTIVE LIMIT FAULTS (cont)*[LIMIT] is shown on the ICVC as the temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by the operator as an override, alert, oralarm condition. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature, voltage, etc., at which the control tripped.ICVCFAULTSTATEPRIMARYMESSAGESECONDARYMESSAGE PRIMARY CAUSE ADDITIONAL CAUSE/REMEDY220 PROTECTIVE LIMITGROUND FAULT 220Ground Fault Trip;Check Motor and CurrentSensors.Check for condensation on motor terminals.Check motor power leads for phase to phase orphase to ground shorts. Disconnect motor fromVFD and megger motor.Call Carrier Service.221 PROTECTIVE LIMIT UNUSED 221UNUSED222 PROTECTIVE LIMITLINE FREQUENCY TRIP 222Line Frequency —[VALUE] exceeded limit of[LIMIT]; Check Power Supply.If operating from a generator, check generatorsize and speed.Check utility power supply.223 LOSS OFCOMMUNICATIONWITH VFD GATEWAYMODULE223Loss of SIO Comm withVFD Gateway: Check VFGModule and Power.Check VFD communication wiring andconnectors on VFD Gateway and DPI board.Check for compatibility between ICVC andGateway software.224 PROTECTIVE LIMITVFD COMMUNICATIONSFAULT224Loss of DPI Comm withVFD Gateway: Check VFG toVFD Comm.Check VFD communication wiring andconnectors.Check status lights on DPI CommunicationsInterface Board.Call Carrier Service.225 PROTECTIVE LIMITMOTOR CURRENTIMBALANCE225Motor Current Imbal-ance: Check VFD FaultHistory for Values.Check Motor Current % Imbalance in VFD_-CONF screen.226 PROTECTIVE LIMIT LINE PHASE REVERSAL 226Line Phase Reversal:Check Line Phases.Reverse connections of any two line conductorsto circuit breaker.227 PROTECTIVE LIMITOIL PRESS SENSORFAULT227Oil Pressure Delta P[VALUE] (Pump Off): CheckPump/Transducers.Check transducer wiring and accuracy.Check power supply to pump.Check pump operation.Check transducer calibration.228 PROTECTIVE LIMITLOW OIL PRESSURE 228Low Operating OilPressure [VALUE]: Check OilPump and Filter.Check transducer wiring and accuracy.Check power supply to pump.Check pump operation.Check oil level.Check for partially closed service valves.Check oil filters.Check for foaming oil at start-up.Check transducer calibration.229 PROTECTIVE LIMITLOW CHILLED WATERFLOW229Low Chilled Water Flow;Check Switch/Delta P Config& Calibration.Perform pump control test.Check optional transducer calibration andwiring.Check Evaporator Refrigerant Temperaturesensor.Check chilled water valves.Check for evaporator saturation temperature< 34 F if not in Pumpdown Lockout mode. Placeunit in Pumpdown mode before removingcharge.230 PROTECTIVE LIMITLOW CONDENSERWATER FLOW230Low Condenser WaterFlow; Check Switch/Delta PConfig & Calibration.Perform pump control test.Check optional transducer calibration andwiring.Check condenser water valves.Check for condenser pressure > 130 PSIG.231 PROTECTIVE LIMITHIGH DISCHARGE TEMP 231Comp Discharge Temp[VALUE] Exceeded Limit of[LIMIT]*.Check for closed compressor discharge isola-tion valve.Check if chiller was operating in surge.Check sensor resistance or voltage drop.Check for proper wiring.Check for proper condenser flow andtemperature.Check compressor discharge isolation valve.Check for proper inlet guide vane and optionaldiffuser actuator operation.232 PROTECTIVE LIMITLOW REFRIGERANTTEMP 232Evaporator Refrig Temp[VALUE] exceeded limit of[LIMIT]*.Check for proper refrigerant charge.Check float valve operation.Check for closed condenser liquid line isolationvalve. If problem occurs at high load, check forlow condenser pressure which causes inade-quate FLASC orifice differential pressure.Check for proper water flow and temperature.Confirm that condenser water enters bottom rowof condenser tubes first.Check Evaporator Refrigerant Temperaturesensor.Check for division plate gasket bypass.Check for fouled tubes.