39Table 4 — ICVC Display Data (cont)EXAMPLE 16 — NET_OPT DISPLAY SCREENTo access this display from the ICVC default screen:1. Press .2. Press .3. Scroll down to highlight .4. Press .5. Scroll down to highlight .6. PressNOTE: No variables are available for CCN read or write operation.EXAMPLE 17 — VFD_CONF DISPLAY SCREENTo access this display from the ICVC default screen:1. Press .2. Press .3. Scroll down to highlight .4. Press .5. Enter password (4444 Factory Default).6. Scroll down to highlight .7. Press .NOTE: Those parameters marked with a * shall not be downloadedto the VFD, but shall be used in other calculations and algorithms inthe ICVC.DESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINT DEFAULTLoadshed FunctionGroup Number 0-16 ldsgrp 0Demand Limit Decrease 0-60 % ldsdlta 20Maximum Loadshed Time 0-480 MIN maxshed 60CCN Occupancy Config:Schedule Number 3-99 occ_num 3Broadcast Option 0-1 DSABLE/ENABLE occbrcst DSABLEAlarm ConfigurationRe-Alarm Time 0-1440 MIN retime 30Alarm Routing xxxxxxxx routing 10000000MENUSERVICEEQUIPMENT CONFIGURATIONSELECTNET_OPTSELECTMENUSERVICEVFD CONFIG DATASELECTVFD_CONFSELECTDESCRIPTION STATUS UNITS POINT DEFAULTMotor Nameplate Voltage 346-480 VOLTS motor_nv 460Compressor 100% Speed 45.0-62.0 Hz comp_100 60.0Line Freq=60 Hz? (No=50) 0/1 NO/YES line_frq YES* Rated Line Voltage 346-600 VOLTS vfd_volt 460* Rated Line Amps 10-1500 AMPS vfd_amps 200* Rated Line Kilowatts 0-7200 kW vfd_rlkw 100* Motor Rated Load KW 0-7200 kW mot_rlkw 100* Motor Rated Load Amps 10-1500 AMPS mot_rla 200Motor Nameplate Amps 10-1500 AMPS motorni 200Motor Nameplate RPM 1500-3600 motorpm 3456Motor Nameplate KW 0-5600 kW motorkw 200Inverter PWM Frequency (0=4 k Hz, 1=2 k Hz) 0/1 pwm_freq 1Skip Frequency 1 0.0-102.0 Hz skipfrq1 30Skip Frequency 2 0.0-102.0 Hz skipfrq2 30Skip Frequency 3 0.0-102.0 Hz skipfrq3 30Skip Frequency Band 0.0-102.0 Hz skipband 2Line Voltage % Imbalance 1-10 % v_unbal 10Line Volt Imbalance Time 1-10 SEC v_time 10Line Current % Imbalance 5-40 % lineim_i 40Line Current Imbal Time 1-10 SEC lineim_t 10Motor Current % Imbalance 5-40 % motim_i 40Motor Current Imbal Time 1-10 SEC motim_t 10Increase Ramp Time 5-60 SEC ramp_inc 30Decrease Ramp Time 5-60 SEC ramp_dec 30Single Cycle Dropout 0/1 DSABLE/ENABLE cycdrop DSABLE