107Table 17 — Fault Code Descriptions and Corrective ActionsFault Type indicates if the fault is:1 — Auto-resettable2 — Non-resettable3 — User-configurable4 — Normal FaultLEGENDNOTE: Reliance parameter numbers are indicated by ( ).VFD FAULTCODE FAULT TYPE DESCRIPTION ACTION ICVC FAULTSTATE2 Auxiliary Input 1 Input is open. Check remote wiring. 2063Power Loss 1, 3 DC bus voltage remained below 85% ofnominal for longer than Power Loss Time(185).Enable/disable with Fault Config 1 (238).Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage orline power interruption. 2154UnderVoltage 1, 3 DC bus voltage fell below the minimumvalue of 407V DC at 400/480V inputEnable/disable with Fault Config 1 (233).Monitor the incoming AC line for low voltage orpower interruption. 2155OverVoltage 1 DC bus voltage exceeded maximum value. Monitor the AC line for high line voltage ortransient conditions. Bus overvoltage can alsobe caused by motor regeneration. Extend thedecel time or install dynamic brake option.2057Motor Overload 1, 3 Internal electronic overload trip.Enable/disable with Fault Config 1 (238).An excessive motor load exists. Reduce loadso drive output current does not exceed thecurrent set by Motor NP FLA (42). 2178 Invtr Base Temp 1 Base temperature exceeded limit. Check for proper temperature and flow rate ofcoolant. 2199 Invtr IGBT Temp 1 Output transistors have exceeded theirmaximum operating temperature.Check for proper temperature and flow rate ofcoolant. 21912HW OverCurrent 1 The drive output current has exceeded thehardware current limit.Check programming. Check for excess load,improper DC boost setting, DC brake volts settoo high or other causes of excesscurrent.28613Ground Fault 1 A current path to earth ground in excess of7% of drive rated amps has been detectedat one or more of the drive outputterminals.Check the motor and external wiring to thedrive output terminals for a groundedcondition. 22024Decel Inhibit 3 The drive is not following a commandeddeceleration because it is attempting tolimit bus voltage.a. Verify input voltage is within drive specifiedlimits.b. Verify system ground impedance followsproper grounding techniques.c. Disable bus regulation and/or add dynamicbrake resistor and/or extend decelerationtime.20425OverSpeed Limit 1 Functions such as slip compensation orbus regulation have attempted to add anoutput frequency adjustment greater thanthat programmed in Overspeed Limit (83).Remove excessive load or overhauling condi-tions or increase Overspeed Limit (83). 20629Analog In Loss 1, 3 An analog input is configured to fault onsignal loss. A signal loss has occurred.Configure with Anlg In 1, 2 Loss (324, 327).a. Check parameters.b. Check for broken/loose connections atinputs.20633Auto Rstrt Tries 3 Drive unsuccessfully attempted to reset afault and resume running for the pro-grammed number of Auto Rstrt Tries (174).Enable/disable with Fault Config 1 (238).Correct the cause of the fault and manuallyclear. 20635Current FBK Lost 4 The magnitude of motor current feedbackwas less than 5% of the configured MotorNameplate Amps for the time configured inthe Motor Imbalance Time. Detection ofthis fault is disabled when the Motor Imbal-ance Time is set to the maximum value of10.0 seconds.Verify connection of current feedback deviceand motor terminals. If fault repeats replacecurrent feedback devices and/or power supply. 20636 SW OverCurrent 1 The drive output current has exceeded thesoftware current. Check for excess load, improper DC boost set-ting. DC brake volts set too high. 28637Motor I Imbalance Phase current displayed in Imbalance Dis-play (221) > percentage set in ImbalanceLimit (49) for time set in Imbalance Time(50).Clear fault.225DPI — Drive Peripheral InterfaceEPROM — Erasable, Programmable, Read-OnlyFLA — Full Load AmpsIGBT — Insulated Gate Bipolar TransistorI/O — Inputs/OutputsNP — Nameplate